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a selection of healthy foods to eat while you are having chemotherapy
By In-house Team, Circle Health Group

What to eat while you are having chemotherapy

Practical, nutritious food to eat while having chemotherapy, plus the dos and don'ts of a chemotherapy diet, to help you manage your changing appetite while you have treatment

Chemotherapy impacts everyone differently, however most people will notice changes to appetite or even to how food tastes and feels. It’s also important to stay hydrated and nourished to support your body through the process.

We’ve put together helpful advice on how to adapt to the changes you might go through during chemotherapy, from managing a lowered or increased appetite to knowing which foods you should avoid. There’s also advice on how to adapt your diet in the face of difficult symptoms that can be brought on by chemo.

It’s a good idea to share this information with friends and family, too, especially if they’re taking on the lion’s share of cooking while you’re undergoing treatment.

There are lots of different types of chemotherapy that can be used to treat your cancer. Different types affect your body in different ways, so it’s important to point out that you’re unlikely to be affected by every possible side effect listed below. You should also know that your preferences and tolerance may change regularly throughout your chemotherapy treatment, so you may find yourself moving from one set of advice to the next.

Some people will find that chemotherapy doesn’t affect their appetite at all, but most people will find their eating habits change because of the side effects it causes.

Managing appetite changes

Before you even begin chemotherapy, your emotions can have a big impact on your appetite. Feelings of dread or anxiety can put you off your food entirely. This is entirely understandable and should pass in time as you adjust to your new circumstances.

Some people will find that chemotherapy doesn’t affect their appetite at all, but most people will find their eating habits change because of the side effects it causes. Some people, for instance, lose their appetite, while some drugs given during chemotherapy can stimulate your hunger.

If you lose your appetite and find yourself eating irregularly, you need to stay hydrated and nourished, so we recommend having food high in calories when you do eat. This is food such as thick butter spread on toast, milky puddings and pies, full fat milk, and cheesy pasta. This will fortify you and increase your energy levels as much as possible while you don’t feel like eating often. You should also incorporate fruit and vegetables wherever possible to keep up your vitamins and your fibre intake.

If your appetite has abandoned you, eating little and often can be much easier to face, and also make it easier to combat the effects of nausea.

If the drugs during chemotherapy have increased your appetite and you’re eating regularly, opt for low-fat and low-sugar foods, and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for balance.

You can work with a dietician during your recovery journey to build a specialist, tailored diet plan that suits your needs. This will incorporate the foods you enjoy, considering the food groups and nutrition you might benefit from during your recovery journey specifically.

Coping with other side effects

Adapting to changes to your sense of taste or smell

One of the more common side effects of chemotherapy is a change in your sense of taste and smell. Lots of people report that water and meat such as chicken and beef can take on a metallic or otherwise unpleasant flavour.

If you find you’re one of those people affected, swap plain water for squash and get your protein from fish and eggs. Swapping to plastic cutlery or eating with chopsticks can also make it better, believe it or not.

Avoiding stomach upset

Other people report constipation (so eat more fibre if that’s you), or diarrhoea (in which case, go easy on greasy foods and fruit juices, and up your fluid intake).

Foods to eat if you develop mouth sores from chemotherapy

Mouth sores are a common side effect of some types of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs are designed to target and destroy cancer cells. However, they can also affect normal, healthy cells that naturally divide, including the cells in the lining of your mouth and digestive tract. This damage to the lining of your mouth can lead to the development of mouth sores. These can be painful and make speaking and eating difficult.

Salty, crunchy, tart and spicy foods, as well as alcohol and foods that are hot in temperature, can all make mouth sores from chemotherapy worse, so avoid them if you’ve got sores. Opt for soft, easy-to-chew foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs and smoothies. Avoid crunchy, hard, or rough-textured foods. Ice lollies and ice cubes can help soothe the pain.

If you are struggling to eat without pain, topical numbing gels or mouthwashes with a local anaesthetic can provide temporary relief. Oral moisturisers or gels may also help keep your mouth moist and prevent dryness. Some people also find relief by rinsing their mouths with a saltwater solution or prescribed mouthwash before and after eating to reduce the risk of infection and soothe mouth sores.

Examples of soft, moist foods include:

  • Mashed potatoes (without added spices)
  • Cooked oatmeal
  • Creamy soups (strained to remove chunks)
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding
  • Smooth yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Scrambled or poached eggs
  • Rice or pasta cooked pasta
  • Smoothies (without seeds)
  • Fruit or vegetable purees
  • Blended soups and stews
  • Hummus (if blended to a smooth consistency)

Examples of soothing drinks include:

  • Room temperature water
  • Herbal teas (non-caffeinated and non-acidic)
  • Milkshakes or smoothies
  • Ice cubes

If you want to add some flavour to your food, use mild seasonings like a pinch of salt or a small amount of honey, but avoid strong spices or sauces.

Staying hydrated is also really important. You should aim for at least two litres of water a day.

What to eat and drink when you’re having chemotherapy

Sticking to a healthy diet will give your body the fuel it needs to recover. Ensuring you don’t start forgoing food is really important.

Go for ‘easy’ meals like beans on toast if that’s all you’re feeling up to, or snacks like peanut butter and crackers. If solid foods are problematic, go for soups and smoothies.

Staying hydrated is also really important. You should aim for at least two litres of water a day, and more if you’re suffering with diarrhoea. Some types of chemotherapy can affect your salivary glands and give you a dry mouth. This can be counteracted by sipping water throughout the day. Purchase a water bottle that you can carry with you throughout the day to remember to stay hydrated.

It can be tempting to boost your vitamin intake or otherwise boost your diet with supplements, but this can affect how your treatment works. Ask your oncologist before you begin taking any supplements.

Food and drink to avoid when you’re having chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can make you more susceptible to infections, so it’s important to minimise any risks. Don’t eat any fruit and vegetables that cannot be washed well (for example raspberries) and be meticulous about cleanliness in the kitchen.

  • Use separate chopping boards for meats and vegetables
  • Wash hands, surfaces and kitchen implements thoroughly after preparing any meal
  • Defrost things in the fridge or microwave – not on the countertop

There are also some specific foods that you should not eat, to limit the risk of infection. These are:

  • Eggs with runny yolks or anything containing raw eggs
  • Meat that is at all pink
  • Raw fish (sashimi) and shellfish (oysters)
  • Blue or soft cheeses (Brie, goat’s cheese, Stilton, etc)
  • Green tea in large amounts (the antioxidants can interfere with the chemo drugs)
  • Soya-based foods (depending on the type of chemotherapy – ask your doctor)
  • Paté
  • Cold cuts and cured meats
  • Unpasteurised juices, dairy products and scrumpy cider

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