Ophthalmology in Coventry | The Meriden Hospital Skip to main content

Ophthalmology in Coventry

Expert treatment for eye and vision concerns

It can be easy to take our sight for granted, and we often do not spare a thought regarding the incredibly complex processes involved in our ability to see.

When the eye is functioning normally, light passes through the lens and is focused onto a specific part of the back of the eyeball known as the retina. The retina transmits electrical signals through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain processes these signals in order to give us our sight.

If anything changes or disrupts any of these processes - whether disease, damage or disorder – vision will be affected. It is often only when we have a problem with our vision that we become aware of just how much we rely on such complex processes working properly, each and every day.

Any change in vision can be concerning. Maybe you’re finding the words on a page appear blurry as you read. Perhaps you’re struggling to see things at a distance as well as you used to. (Maybe you’re just fed up walking indoors on a cold day and having your glasses fog up because of the change in temperature!)

Whenever changes in vision affect everyday life, you may like to get expert advice.

Ophthalmology is an area of medicine involved in assessing, diagnosing and treating problems of the eye. A doctor who specialises in this area is known as a Consultant Ophthalmologist.

The consultants at The Meriden Hospital treat a very wide range of conditions and symptoms.

Whether you’re interested in reducing your dependency on glasses or have noticed changes in your vision that are concerning you, they would be delighted to help you.

Many factors can affect eye health, including disease, injury, disease and illnesses such as diabetes.

People who visit us for eye-related problems usually complain about one of the following symptoms:

  • Blurred vision
  • Reduced vision
  • Glare/dazzle
  • Colour losing intensity
  • Light sensitivity
  • Eye pain
  • Squints
  • Lumps and bumps around the eye (Benign or Malignant)
  • Painful blind eye
  • Droopy eyelids (Eyebags or the eyes appearing narrow)
  • Eyelid malpositions
  • Watery Eyes due to blocked tear ducts.
  • Bulgy Eyes

These symptoms may be caused by any one of a number of eye conditions, including:

  • Cataracts – cause the lens of your eye to become cloudy, stopping light from passing through it correctly. Commonly occurs in people aged 60+
  • Glaucoma - caused by damage to the optic nerve, often due to raised pressure in the eye. Can lead to sight loss if left untreated
  • Dry eyes
  • Blepharitis - itchy and swollen eyelids
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – two types, ‘wet’ and ‘dry’
  • Diabetic retinopathy – a complication of diabetes, affecting the blood supply to the retina. May lead to blindness if left untreated
  • ‘Lumps and bumps’ around the eye and eyelids – such as a stye, chalazion or tumour.
  • Inflammation – such as uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer in the eye) and conjunctivitis
  • Eyelid problems – such as drooping eyelids (Ptosis) or eyebags that overhang the eye and affect vision (needing Blepharoplasty).
  • Eyelids turning in (Entropion) or turning out (Ectropion)
  • Tear duct problems
  • Bulgy Eyes – may be caused by an overactive thyroid or tumours
  • Painful blind eyes - seeking eye removal

Some eye conditions, such as AMD, cannot be cured, although their symptoms can often be successfully managed with the correct treatment. Your consultant will be able to advise you on treatment options for your specific condition so that you can make an informed choice.

  • Cataracts will get progressively worse, so early treatment is often advisable. Minimally invasive surgery can be carried out to replace the cloudy natural lens with a new artificial one. Cataract surgery can be life-changing for many, giving them clear vision once again.
  • Dry eyes, blepharitis and conjunctivitis are often treated with medication like eye drops or ointments.
  • Glaucoma can often be treated with eye drops to help lower the pressure in the eye. If this isn’t able to relieve your symptoms adequately, surgery may be needed. This can be done in different ways, one of which is a trabeculectomy, which drains some of the fluid in your eye to help lower the pressure. Unfortunately, this surgery won’t undo any damage already done to the optic nerve, but it can help to prevent further damage.
  • If diabetic retinopathy is affecting vision, treatment can be by injection into the eye, surgery or laser (photocoagulation).
  • There is no cure for age-related macular degeneration, but treatments such as a vascular endothelial growth factor antagonist (VEGF) may help slow its progress.
  • Sagging upper eyelids that are affecting vision can be corrected by surgery. Known as ptosis surgery, it tightens the muscles that support the eyelid.
  • Oculoplastic surgery can be carried out for a range of different conditions that affect the eyelids, eye socket or tear ducts (lacrimal ducts).

Whatever treatment you require, your consultant will oversee every aspect of your care and carefully monitor the results to ensure you continue to see the best result possible.

When you first meet your consultant at the hospital, they will discuss your symptoms in detail. They will want to know:

  • What symptoms you have
  • When these symptoms first appeared
  • Whether you have received any treatment already, such as prescribed medication
  • If you have any specific concerns about your symptoms (for example, are you worried that recent changes in your vision may limit your independence?)

They will examine your eyes (an ophthalmologic examination) to measure your current vision and the health of your eyes. They may also take measurements of your eyes.

This may be all that is needed for them to make a diagnosis. Your consultant will then discuss the results with you and explore suitable treatment options.

In other cases, further investigations may be needed like a visual acuity test or optical coherence tomography (OCT). Scans such as CT or MRI can also be helpful in certain cases where bones or soft tissues need to be examined in greater detail.

When any test results are back, your consultant will discuss them with you and tailor a treatment plan to best suit your requirements.

Situated on the site of the main NHS hospital in Warwickshire (University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire), we are easily accessible by private and public transport.

While many of our patients are local to Coventry, others travel from Birmingham, Warwick, Leicester, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire and further afield to benefit from the expertise of our highly experienced consultants.

Many people are referred by their optician, GP, another consultant such as a rheumatologist, or their private medical insurance provider. We also have medico-legal requests, recommendations from previous (or current) patients and requests for second opinions.

We see private medical insurance and self-pay patients, and you can self-refer to avoid delay.

When you visit The Meriden Hospital, you will benefit from:

  • Access to leading experts – The Consultant Ophthalmologists working in the hospital are known authorities in their field (for example, one is the Head of Postgraduate School of Ophthalmology and Professor of Ophthalmology at Aston Medical School).
  • Fast assessment - Many eye conditions are best treated when diagnosed at the earliest possible stage. With many people facing ever-longer waits to be seen elsewhere, we can arrange a private ophthalmology appointment for you with an experienced consultant sooner. With prompt assessment, you will be able to start the ideal treatment for your condition at the earliest possible stage.
  • Personalised care – Your eye treatment will always be carefully planned around your particular needs. Lens implants can be tailored to you. Regular review by your consultant helps ensure you continue to benefit from the most appropriate treatment.
  • Convenient appointments – It’s very easy to book your Ophthalmology appointment online or by phone. We also offer remote consultations by telephone or video if required (and where clinically appropriate).
  • Patient Satisfaction – In an independent survey, 96.5% of patients said they were likely or extremely likely to recommend us to their friends and family.

For peace of mind and known expert care, book your eye appointment online today. We very much look forward to welcoming you to The Meriden Hospital soon. 

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