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woman's knees showing uncomfortable varicose veins
By In-house Team, Circle Health Group

What is EVLT and what are the benefits?

Everything you need to know about endovenous laser therapy to treat varicose veins

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins develop when the small valves inside your veins stop functioning properly. In a healthy vein, your blood flows smoothly to your heart. The blood is prevented from flowing backwards by a series of tiny valves that open and close to let blood through. If the valves weaken or become damaged, your blood can flow backwards and collect in your vein, eventually causing it to be swollen, twisted, and enlarged (varicose).

Varicose veins typically show up in your legs. That's because the veins in your legs fight gravity to send blood back up to your heart. When the valves inside your leg veins become weak or damaged, blood can collect in your veins, making them bulge out and become varicose. So, it's quite common to see varicose veins on your legs.

Certain things can increase your chances of developing varicose veins, including:

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Varicose veins can vary in severity, and not everyone with varicose veins experiences symptoms aside from the appearance of an enlarged, swollen vein that looks like a twisted cord or bulging rope. You might also experience an aching or throbbing pain in your legs, particularly after standing for extended periods. The pain often gets worse as the day goes on.

Some people may experience a burning sensation or itching around their affected veins. Swelling can occur in your ankles and lower legs, especially in the evening or after long periods of standing.

Painful muscle cramps, particularly at night, can also be associated with varicose veins, which can be alleviated with certain stretches and keeping your legs elevated. Over time, varicose veins can cause skin changes near the affected area. These changes may include skin darkening (hyperpigmentation), inflammation, or the development of small ulcers, especially near your ankles (venous ulcers).

Some people with varicose veins experience restless leg syndrome, which is characterised by an uncomfortable urge to move the legs, especially when at rest. This can cause real problems when you are trying to get to sleep at night.

Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is an effective, less invasive way to treat your varicose veins.

What is EVLT and what are the benefits?

Having your varicose veins removed traditionally required an open surgery procedure under general anaesthetic. Today, there are a variety of minimally invasive treatments available for varicose veins and where possible you will be offered one of these.

Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is an effective, less invasive way to treat your varicose veins so you can feel confident in your own skin again.

What happens during endovenous laser therapy?

EVLT is usually performed by a consultant vascular surgeon using local anaesthetic, meaning you will be awake during it, but the area being operated on will be numbed so you won’t feel pain.

Using an ultrasound, your consultant will insert an EVLT laser fibre through a small incision in your skin and guide it to the affected vein. Once the fibre is in place, it emits laser energy. The heat from the laser seals the vein from the inside, causing it to collapse and eventually fade away. This is the crucial step in eliminating your varicose vein.

After the laser treatment is finished, the fibre is removed and the incision is typically closed with a small adhesive strip or a couple of stitches.

EVLT is an outpatient procedure, so you can usually go home the same day. Recovery is generally swift, and most people can resume their normal activities within a day or so, though you should avoid strenuous exercise for a few weeks.

Is endovenous laser therapy better than the ‘high tie and strip’ procedure?

“Varicose vein surgery has changed beyond all recognition in the last 15 years,” enthuses consultant vascular surgeon, Eddie Chaloner.

He adds: “Many are put off from seeking treatment by the memories of friends or relatives speaking about the operation to remove them in the past, which entailed a general anaesthetic, several large incisions on the leg and a prolonged six-week recovery.”

EVLT is a different experience to the previous high tie and stri’ procedure and our surgeons prefer this less invasive method. It is generally associated with less pain and a shorter recovery time.

What is the recovery period for EVLT?

As mentioned above, recovery time after EVLT is generally relatively short compared to traditional surgical procedures for varicose veins. However, the exact recovery time can vary depending on individual factors, the extent of the procedure, and your overall health.

After the EVLT procedure, you will be monitored for a short time in a recovery area. Most people can walk immediately after the procedure, which helps promote circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Your consultant will likely recommend you wear compression stockings after EVLT. These stockings help support your treated veins, reduce swelling, and improve your blood flow. You may need to wear them for a few weeks.

Many people can resume normal daily activities, such as walking and light work, on the same day as the procedure. Strenuous activities, heavy lifting and intense exercise should be avoided for a while, usually a week or two, to allow for proper healing.

You'll likely have follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and ensure that the treated veins are closing and healing as expected. These appointments are essential to ensure the success of the procedure.

Five years after the operation, just 5% of people experience a recurrence of their varicose veins.

How effective is EVLT for treating varicose veins?

The most significant improvement with endovenous laser therapy compared to the traditional operation is the high long-term success rate. Five years after the operation, just 5% of people experience a recurrence of their varicose veins. For people who undergo a high tie and strip operation, there is a 30% chance of the varicose veins returning within five years.

Combined with the ease of having the operation done and the speed of recovery, this high success rate makes EVLT a fantastic option for anyone who wants to treat painful or unsightly varicose veins.

Get EVLT with Circle Health Group

EVLT is just one of a variety of effective minimally-invasive procedures we offer to treat varicose veins. We have a network of talented vascular surgeons across our 50+ UK locations who have lots of experience treating problem veins.

If you want to know more about our treatment options, book your appointment online today or call a member of our team directly.


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