Physiotherapy Services In Brentford | Syon Clinic Skip to main content

Physiotherapy in Brentford

At Syon Clinic we offer a physiotherapy service that includes a range of therapies

At Syon Clinic, our skilled physiotherapists offer a full six-day week service including a range of therapies. Physiotherapy can help with a wide range of injuries and conditions including back and neck pain, repetitive strain injuries, joint pain and arthritis, muscle injuries, post-surgery rehabilitation, and sports injuries.

Patients can refer themselves for physiotherapy, with no GP or consultant referral needed. Appointments are usually available within 48 hours. 

Your first visit will involve an initial assessment of your condition so that a tailored treatment programme can be specifically developed for you. Often a combination of therapies are used to create a more effective result. 

Our physiotherapists are registered with the Charted Society of Physiotherapy and work closely as part of integrated multi-disciplinary teams so that, if necessary, you as a patient can benefit from fast referrals and access to the latest imaging technologies to help accurately diagnose and aid treatment decision pathways. We provide on-site access to diagnostic imaging facilities which include X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, and mammograms.

We offer the following physiotherapy services: 

  • Acupuncture - This treatment uses fine, sterile needles which are inserted into pressure points on areas of the body needing treatment. This can be used on its own, or in combination with other therapies to help treatment musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Bracing - A therapy using external braces on various limbs to provide additional support for unstable joints or ligaments. This is beneficial for those suffering from painful joints, stability issues, or ongoing pain. They can help with rehabilitation or for those returning to sport. 
  • Chronic pain management - Those suffering from persistent or long-standing pain, and have failed to respond to other treatments, can benefit massively from physiotherapy. It can used as a coping strategy to help manage pain and improve quality of life. 
  • Sports injuries - Physiotherapy for sports injuries includes the diagnosis and treatment of muscle, joint, and nerve problems caused by exercising or playing sport. Our physiotherapists can assist with muscle imbalances, joint pain, and post-fracture rehabilitation. The goal is to get you back to sport as soon as possible.
  • Respiratory - This form of physiotherapy is designed to assess and treat various disorders of the respiratory system. It involves chest clearance techniques and exercises to maximise the functionality of their lungs, aiming to unclog airways, and help patients to return to physical activity.
  • Rehabilitation - Our service aims to provide patients with the tools needed to live a full life. It assists in regaining skills and abilities that have been lost or compromised because of illness, injury, disability, or surgery. This includes fractures, accidents, chronic spinal conditions, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cranial surgery, and cardiac surgery.

Hypermobility Syndrome is where someone has significantly more movement in some of their joints than the average person. Although those suffering from hypermobility don't often find it a problem, it can put extra strain on their joints, ligaments, and muscle - making it very painful.

Physiotherapy for hypermobility can be an effective way to strengthen the area surrounding the strained joint, providing support, and minimising symptoms.

Our highly skilled physiotherapists offer paediatric and adult physiotherapy for hypermobility, here at the clinic. Our physiotherapists will provide you with a full assessment to identify the factors leading to the condition and then create a personalised programme tailored to your specific needs. We can identify the best combinations of treatments to optimise the outcome of your physiotherapy programme. 

Physiotherapy may include:

  • Pain control modalities 
  • Strengthening exercises 
  • Stretching exercises 
  • Home exercise programmes
  • Cardiovascular activities 
  • Gait Analysis and Orthotic prescription to improve foot posture 
  • Pacing advice
  • Postural exercise 

Gait Analysis is a biomechanical examination where our physiotherapists determine how efficiently your body moves when walking or running. Asymmetries or abnormalities in our foot strike and loading pattern can cause joint, ligament, or tendon soreness further up the body in the ankle, knee, hip, and back. The assessment allows our physiotherapists to identify these issues and tailor a treatment plan to get you walking and running again, pain free.

Gait Analysis can be useful for those who:

  • Experience pain when walking or running
  • Suffer from sore feet when standing all day
  • Have foot, ankle, knee, hip, or back pain
  • Suffer from conditions such as plantar fasciitis or metatarsalgia 
  • Have flat feet, bunions, neuromas, or hammer toes
  • Have balance issues or bad posture
  • Are physically active or play sport 

The results from your Gait Analysis can be used to:

  • Diagnose foot, ankle, knee, or hip related issues 
  • Provide evidence-based treatment and rehabilitation programmes that are tailored to you
  • Identify your risk of injury based on natural movement 
  • Recommend the appropriate type of footwear 
  • Design Orthotics specific to your needs

Following Gait Analysis, we can design Phits 3D Printed Insoles (orthotics) designed from your real-time dynamic data to restore biomechanical imbalances in your lower limbs and provide support and cushioning where needed. They can help to improve comfort, efficiency, and performance by optimising your foot mechanics, whilst minimising the pain and risk of injury. We offer specific sports designs for running, football, golf, cycling, and skiing.

An initial assessment with a physiotherapist starts from £54*. Phits 3D Printed Insoles are priced at £300 for standard insoles and £350 for sports specific insoles.

*This is a starting from price and can vary per Circle Health Group Hospital
