Hip pain at The Cavell Hospital Skip to main content

Hip pain in Enfield

Access private treatment for hip pain in Enfield

Hip pain is a common problem, particularly among people over 50.

Many types of hip pain will improve over time and people are often able to relieve their symptoms with rest, stretching, gentle exercise and over-the-counter pain relief medication.

However, some types of hip pain will not resolve naturally and may begin to have a more significant impact on your mobility, function and overall quality of life.

If you are struggling with hip pain that is limiting your movements or causing you concern, it is important to see a specialist for assessment and advice.

Most people who come to The Cavell Hospital for help with hip pain find their symptoms can be managed successfully using non-surgical treatments

These treatments are often most beneficial for people with early symptoms of arthritis in the hip, or who have sprained or strained their hip during exercise or because of an accident.

Hip surgery usually become an option only when other treatment options are not able to sufficiently manage or control the hip pain. Types of hip surgery available on-site at The Cavell Hospital include keyhole hip surgery, hip replacement surgery and revision hip replacement surgery.

Our consultants also see people who have previously had hip surgery elsewhere but have started to get pain in the hip once more.

Whether your hip pain has been bothering you for a while and you have now decided to see somebody for advice, or it has only recently started but you are unsure of the best thing to do, our team of hip pain specialists can help you get the answers you need.

It is easy to book a private consultation with a consultant of your choice at a time that is convenient to you. You can do this quickly and easily online or by phoning us on 020 8023 8284.

Hip pain can affect several different areas and may be felt in a variety of ways. Listed below are some common symptoms of hip pain.

If you are experiencing any of these, or you have any concerns about the health of your hips, why not visit us to talk things through with a consultant?

Groin pain

Perhaps surprisingly, groin pain is the most common symptom of hip osteoarthritis.

Burning pain on the side of a hip

Burning pain on the side of a hip is usually indicative of hip bursitis (also known as greater trochanteric pain syndrome).

Hip flexor pain

If the muscles at the front of the hip (the hip flexors) are damaged or strained, they may feel painful when used to lift your knee upwards towards your chest.

Hip stiffness

Another common symptom of osteoarthritis, stiffness in the hip tends to become more noticeable after a period of inactivity, such as sitting down in a chair for a while. Stiffness in the hip can make movements slower and more difficult.

Hip pain at night

Many people with a hip problem will notice their hip pain more at night, when the usual distractions of daily life are absent. Hip pain can disturb your normal sleeping pattern and may lead to sleep deprivation over time.

If your hip pain is severe enough to wake you up at night, it is important to see a doctor as this could be a sign of advanced osteoarthritis.

Pain or stiffness after exercise or physical activity

Some hip problems can flare up during or after certain exercises like running, swimming or cycling, but may also develop from even seemingly gentle activities like walking or gardening.

Hip pain shooting down the left or right leg

Hip pain shooting down the left or right leg is a common symptom of sciatica. The pain may start in the lower back or hip. This is often caused by a trapped nerve in the back.

Buttock pain

If the pain is in the upper buttock, it usually (but not always) suggests a back problem. When the pain is in the lower buttock, it is more often caused by a hip problem.

Pain in certain positions (positional pain)

Some hip conditions will cause pain when the hip is moved into certain positions, most commonly when sitting for a period of time, such as at a desk or while driving.

Hip grinding or clicking

Grinding in the hip is usually caused when the articular cartilage has been worn out and the bones are rubbing directly against one another. A clicking or snapping sound in the hip is usually caused by a tendon catching on a bone spur.

There are many possible reasons and underlying causes of why you may be experiencing hip pain. We’ve listed some of the more common causes of hip pain below.


Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can affect the hip. Pain is the most common symptom of hip osteoarthritis.

Hip impingement

Hip impingement is a condition that affects your hip joint. A hip impingement leads to a pinching in the hip, resulting in a restriction of movement and pain when the hip is moved in certain directions.

Hip bursitis

Also known as greater trochanteric pain syndrome, this is inflammation of fluid-filled sacs called bursa around the hip.

Tendon problems

Tendons are the connective tissues that bind muscles to their attachments (usually bones). Inflammation of a tendon is known as tendonitis.

Adductor tendinopathy can also cause pain around the hip or groin.


A hernia is caused by a weakness in the abdominal wall. As well as pain, you may notice a swelling or small lump pushing out from the abdomen. These symptoms will often become worse if you cough or strain, as these movements involve the muscles in the abdominal wall.

Hip pain in pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes in the body as it prepares for labour may cause hip or pelvic pain.

Covid and hip pain

Although not a well-known symptom of infection, some research suggests a possible link between a Covid-19 infection and complications resulting in hip pain.

Bone cancer

In very rare cases, some cancers affect bones and bone marrow. These bone cancers can affect any bone, including the femur.

A broken bone

An accident or injury, such as a fall, may result in a fracture. Often this will be in the neck of the femur (the narrow part at the top of the thighbone).

Due to its severity, this type of injury will be treated through A&E in the NHS, but the consultants at The Cavell Hospital are happy to provide a second opinion or follow-up reviews following treatment.

Many people book a private consultation at The Cavell Hospital having been told by their GP that their hip pain warrants further investigation by a hip specialist. The GP may have previously arranged an X-ray, a course of physiotherapy or pain relief medication.

While physiotherapy and pain relief medication can be extremely good ways of managing and treating hip pain, they may not prove effective enough in some cases. If they do not relieve symptoms or start to become less effective over time, a referral to secondary care will normally be recommended.

Other people will opt for private care at an earlier stage to benefit from faster, easier access directly to a consultant.

Treatments for hip pain will usually be conservative (non-surgical) to begin with, although if your hip has been significantly damaged from arthritis, surgery may be the most appropriate treatment.

There are a number of non-surgical and surgical treatment options for hip pain available to you at The Cavell Hospital.


Gentle, non-impact exercises like swimming, walking, Pilates and yoga can all be beneficial for people with hip pain.

Our exercises for hip pain page has some useful guidance on exercises to help relieve hip pain.

The physiotherapy team at The Cavell Hospital can also give you personalised advice on the best exercises for you.

Weight management

Sometimes, weight management measures will be recommended. The hips are weight-bearing joints, so losing weight can help reduce the load placed upon them.

Pain relief medication (analgesia)

While over-the-counter pain relief medication may help relieve symptoms, your consultant at The Cavell Hospital may prescribe other pain relief medication if appropriate.

Joint injections

An injection of a corticosteroid into the hip joint may help to relieve symptoms. This injection has a dual effect, both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory. If effective, the injection may be repeated, although many people find the effects diminish when repeated in this way.

Hip replacement surgery

Hip replacement surgery is an operation to remove the worn-out, damaged joint and replace it with a new artificial implant. The most common reason for needing a hip replacement is osteoarthritis of the hip.

We offer hip replacement surgery at The Cavell Hospital — to find out more, visit our dedicated hip replacement surgery page.

Hip replacement revision surgery

While a modern hip replacement will usually be expected to last for years, occasionally a hip replacement will need to be replaced with a new one. This is called hip replacement revision surgery.

A study in The Lancet showed that hip replacements will last for 25 years in about 58% of cases.

Hip arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy is keyhole surgery of the hip. This can be used either for diagnosing a problem or for treating several causes of hip pain.

Here are some frequently asked questions about hip pain and hip pain treatment at The Cavell Hospital, Enfield.

Do you see children with hip pain at The Cavell Hospital?

Currently, we can only see adults aged 18+ at The Cavell Hospital.

However, children with hip pain can be seen in a dedicated clinic at our sister Circle site, The Kings Oak Hospital, which is just a short drive away.

Does hip pain become more common as we age?

With osteoarthritis in the hip becoming more common as we age, it is not surprising that many of the people who get hip pain will be within that age group. However, hip pain can affect all ages.

How quickly can I get an appointment at The Cavell Hospital?

Private consultations are available six days a week, with some available on weekday evenings. This means we can often see you quite quickly, usually within a week (sometimes sooner).

You can book your consultation online or by phoning us on 020 8023 8284.

Could my hip pain be cancer?

While some types of cancer can cause hip pain, it is not common. It is understandable to be concerned about any new or significant pain in your hip, but an accurate diagnosis is not possible via online information.

When you visit your consultant at The Cavell Hospital, they will carry out a comprehensive assessment to get an accurate diagnosis and will then explore treatment options with you. Rather than worry about what might be, why not book a consultation to get clarity as soon as possible?

How do I get to The Cavell Hospital?

It is easy to travel to us by private or public transport. For directions, please click here. Our address is Cavell Drive, Uplands Park Road, Enfield, London, EN2 7PR.

Does The Cavell Hospital have parking?

Yes, we have on-site parking for 80 cars at The Cavell Hospital. Parking is free of charge for patients and visitors.

How much do hip pain treatments cost at The Cavell Hospital?

Details of our fixed-price packages can be seen here. For peace of mind, you will always receive written confirmation of your treatment price after your initial consultation and any investigations have been carried out.

If you live in or around Enfield in North London, The Cavell Hospital offers several compelling reasons to visit for hip pain treatment.

A local hospital in Enfield

Many people living in Enfield appreciate having a local private hospital, one that doesn’t involve them having to travel to London and pay higher prices for treatment in Central London. This can be particularly helpful for self-pay patients.

Rapid access

While waiting times are often featured in the national media, we can offer fast access to an experienced hip specialist, often within just a few days.

Don’t let hip pain limit you any longer. Book a private consultation online today or call us on 0208 0238284 to speak with one of our friendly team members at The Cavell Hospital.

We look forward to welcoming you to Enfield and helping you to get your hip pain under better control.
