Hip replacement at The Cavell Hospital Skip to main content

Hip replacement surgery in Enfield

Fast track your hip replacement surgery in Enfield

Surgeon next to hip joint model with implant used in a hip replacement
Hip replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged hip joint with an artificial one known as an implant. A common reason for needing this surgery is osteoarthritis of the hip.

Most people with a hip problem will find their symptoms resolve over time without the need for surgery. Rest, stretching, gentle exercise and over-the-counter pain relief medication where needed may all help to relieve pain and stiffness and get the hip back to better health.

However, sometimes damage to the hip may be extensive enough that it causes ongoing problems with movement, sleep and everyday activities. When quality of life is being significantly affected and non-surgical treatments are not able to resolve the symptoms, hip replacement surgery may be an option.

If you have been struggling with severe hip pain or stiffness, you may have already been advised by a doctor that hip replacement surgery may be an option. Alternatively, you may not yet be sure if surgery is the right choice for you and would appreciate being able to talk to somebody about it. Either way, we can help get you clarity about the most suitable approach for you.

At The Cavell Hospital in Enfield, North London, we provide private patients with fast access to consultant-led treatment for a range of hip conditions. Hip replacement surgery can be easily arranged without the need to spend weeks or months on a waiting list.

If you would like to discuss hip replacement surgery in Enfield with one our experienced hip surgeons, it is easy to book a consultation at a time that is convenient to you. Appointments are available six days a week (Monday – Saturday), and evening appointments are possible.

Hip replacement surgery, also called hip arthroplasty, is a common procedure.

The hip joint is made of two bones: the femur (thighbone) and the pelvis. It is commonly referred to as a being a ‘ball-and-socket’ joint — the ‘ball’ being the femoral head and the ‘socket’ being the acetabulum (a shallow cup-like structure in the pelvis).

The surfaces of the bones are coated with a lining of articular cartilage which provides friction-free movement as the bones move over one another as the hip moves.

Sometimes, damage is caused to this cartilage (as with osteoarthritis), leading to friction in the hip as it is used. The greater the friction generated, the more severe the pain and stiffness is. Eventually, when this damage is severe, all the articular cartilage may have been broken down so that the bones are grating directly onto one another.

Hip replacement surgery removes the damaged joint and replaces it with a new artificial implant, restoring friction-free movement in the hip.

Hips are weight-bearing joints and are involved in many everyday movements like standing, sitting and walking. Any problem in the hip has the potential to cause issues with your mobility and ability to carry out everyday chores and activities.

Because osteoarthritis is a common cause of somebody needing hip replacement surgery, it is helpful to be aware of risk factors for developing osteoarthritis. Risk factors include:

  • Age - as we get older, our hip joints experience more wear and tear. Osteoarthritis is more common as we age, increasing the likelihood of needing treatment at some stage
  • Gender - women are more prone to develop osteoarthritis than men. This global pattern is replicated in Enfield, where estimated figures of people with osteoarthritis are 4,064 males (7.8% of adult males in Enfield) and 7,898 females (13.1% of adult females in Enfield).
  • Genetics - up to half of all cases of hip arthritis may be related to inherited genetics
  • Weight - the more you weigh the greater the loads that are placed on your hip joints. Increased loads can accelerate damage to the joint
  • A previous hip injury - damage to a hip when you are younger can increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis later in life

Another form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, may also result in needing knee replacement surgery if other treatments are not effective at managing symptoms.

While these are the common reasons you may need hip replacement surgery, it is not a definitive list. The key thing to know is that if hip replacement is needed for any reason, we can arrange this for you without delay at The Cavell Hospital.

Mr Reza Jenabzadeh is an Orthopaedic Consultant who carries out hip replacements at The Cavell Hospital. He is a high-volume arthroplasty surgeon, which means he carries out more joint replacements than the national average for surgeons ,and carries out 10-15 joint replacements a week. He also offers computer-navigated hip replacement surgery.

While many of the patients Mr Jenabzadeh sees for hip replacement surgery are in their 60s and 70s, there is a wide spread of ages. Some have been in their 30s and others are in their 90s.We asked him to describe the difference he has seen hip replacement surgery make in the lives of his patients:

"Hip replacement surgery has been described in The Lancet as the operation of the century. It can transform people's lives.

"I have had people coming to me in wheelchairs or having to use walking frames, and their quality of life is zero. They have hip replacement surgery and six weeks to a couple of months later, they come back thanking me because their lives have been transformed."

While some people in Enfield are content to wait many weeks (and even months) for their operation, many people are choosing to have their hip replacement surgery carried out at The Cavell Hospital to avoid delay.

With consultant-led care from your initial assessment through to surgery and post-surgical recovery, every stage of your treatment is streamlined to help you get out of pain and back to better movement at a much earlier date.

If you would like to get your hip replacement surgery in your diary sooner, why not get in touch with us to arrange a private consultation with one of our consultant hip surgeons?

Our consultants will be able to talk through different options available to you and schedule your surgery for a time that is convenient for you.

Although he is a surgeon who carries out many hip replacements, Mr Jenabzadeh points out that not every person he sees with pain and stiffness in their hip will need a hip replacement:

"The majority of people I see at The Cavell Hospital have end-stage arthritis. By the time they come to see me, joint replacement is the only option. However, I also see people with mild to moderate arthritic changes, and their symptoms can often be treated using different types of therapies."

When you first visit your consultant at The Cavell Hospital, they will carry out a comprehensive assessment of your hip so that a diagnosis can be made and the optimal treatment planned for you.

Your initial treatment will often be non-operative, although if you have particularly severe osteoarthritis you may need hip replacement without any other treatment first.

At The Cavell Hospital, there are a number of non-operative treatments for hip pain.


Personalised physiotherapy programmes may help ease your symptoms and reduce pain.

Our physiotherapists work closely with our hip surgeons to ensure you get the help you need to regain movement, function and strength in your hip safely and correctly.

With access to a range of specialist prehab, rehab and exercise equipment both on-site and at other nearby Circle Health Group hospitals, you will be in extremely good hands with our physiotherapy team.

Joint injections

Sometimes, joint injections may be suggested to help with hip pain. Most commonly this is a corticosteroid injection into the hip.

Corticosteroid injections are dual-action - with pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Their effectiveness does vary for each individual and some may find it more beneficial than others. The effects do wear off over time and although the injection can be repeated at intervals, many people find that it becomes less effective over longer periods of time.

Other joint injections are available at The Cavell Hospital and your consultant will discuss these with you if they may be suitable for you.

Pain relief medication (analgesia)

Over-the-counter pain medication may be all you need to ease your hip pain, but your consultant can prescribe more powerful pain relief if appropriate.

Recovery time for hip replacement surgery is very individual and varies from person to person. Various factors such as age, overall health and fitness can influence your recovery.

Typically, Mr Jenabzadeh explains, you will normally be in hospital for two days after your operation. So if you have your hip replacement on a Wednesday for example, you will normally expect to be going home on the Friday.

By this stage, you will be using crutches or a walking frame to move around safely, and you will probably need to keep using these for around six weeks, to give your body time to heal and recover safely and to minimise the risk of falling.

He goes on to say, "I will see you again at The Cavell Hospital six weeks after your surgery for a follow-up. By this stage, many of my patients are mobilising well without any walking aids and are very happy with their progress. Often, they can get back to driving at this point."

Between six weeks and three months, you will notice a definite improvement in how your hip feels. Things can continue to improve for up to a year. Mr Jenabzadeh explains that he "will see most patients at six weeks and six months for follow-ups, but different consultants at The Cavell Hospital may have a slightly different follow-up process. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, it is easy to contact us for help."

More about hip replacement surgery recovery timelines

You can read about hip replacement surgery and recovery timelines in more detail on this page.

Your consultant will explain everything to you before surgery and if you have any questions or concerns at any time, they will always be happy to discuss these with you.

We have a very well-structured care pathway for people coming to us for hip replacement, which may explain why 98.6% of our patients at The Cavell Hospital said they were likely or extremely likely to recommend us to their friends and family.

Below are some frequently asked questions about hip replacement surgery at The Cavell Hospital, Enfield.

How quickly can I get an appointment to discuss hip replacement at The Cavell Hospital?

Hip consultations are available to book six days a week (Monday – Saturday), with some evening appointments possible. This means we can often see you quite quickly, usually within a week (and sometimes the same day or next days).

You can book your consultation online or by phoning us on 020 8023 8284.

How much does private hip pain replacement cost at The Cavell Hospital?

Details of our fixed-price packages can be seen here. You will always receive written confirmation of your treatment price after your initial consultation and any investigations have been carried out.

We offer a variety of ways to pay, including flexible payment options. You can learn more about payment options on this page.

How can I get to The Cavell Hospital?

It is easy to travel to us by private or public transport. For directions by road, underground, train and bus, please click here. If you are using sat-nav, our address is Cavell Drive, Uplands Park Road, Enfield, London, EN2 7PR.

Does The Cavell Hospital have parking?

Yes, we have on-site parking for 80 cars at The Cavell Hospital. Parking is free of charge for patients and visitors.

If you live in Enfield or the surrounding areas, there are many benefits of choosing private hip replacement surgery at The Cavell Hospital.

Your local hospital

As Enfield’s local private hospital for anybody, travel is far easier if you are local to the area. You also won’t have to pay the higher prices for hip replacement that many private hospitals in Central London charge, which may be particularly helpful for self-pay patients.

Fast access to a hip specialist

With appointments available six days a week, it is easy to book your visit with a consultant of your choosing on a day and time that is convenient for you.

We have a range of diagnostic investigations available, including X-Ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans. These are easily and quickly arranged for you if needed to help determine whether hip replacement is the right choice for you or to help plan your operation.

Whether you already know you need hip replacement surgery or would appreciate talking with a consultant to find the most appropriate treatment for you, it is easy to book a consultation with us.

You can book online or by calling our friendly bookings team on 020 8023 8284.

We look forward to welcoming you to The Cavell Hospital in Enfield and helping you get out of pain and stiffness in your hip and back to a better quality of life.

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